Sunday, July 29, 2012

More Odds and Ends........

My Aunt Margie Elder Sixx. (Daddy's Sister) She passed away when I was 2 years old so I don't remember her, But she sure was a pretty lady.

515 Gates St. San Fransisco, CA. Where my Mother and Aunt Judy lived in 1940.

Louisville, Henderson and St. Louis Railway Shop crew at Cloverport KY. 1903
My Great Grandfather, Joe Gedling is  2nd man right of the cab

I found quite a few things on the Burgess side (Moms) of the family this weekend.

My Great Uncle Arthur Burgess owned this cafe in Medford Oregon in 1912.

And when Arthur wasn't busy with running a cafe, He was performing with his Brothers, Sisters and such...

(from the Medford Mail Tribune, December 09, 1912)

F.O. (Frank),  R.O. (Robert Otis) his brothers, W.F. Quisenberry his brother-in-law,

In this one, My Great Grandmother, Grace Burgess Wold got into the act in a duet, "The Perfect Day" with Miss Hance and violinist Ione Flynn.

My Grandmother birth. (Breckinridge News 12 July 1905)

For my Great Great Grandfather, William P. Beavin (1844-1911)

Oh, and the reviews are in for the Mikado.....