Thursday, December 27, 2012

More Stuff.

My Aunt Margie's Obituary Notice. I now know where she was laid to rest, but still don't know the date of her death. Obit was found in my Fathers old high school photo album.

Johnny Elder set a new field record for the low hurdles with 24 seconds.

 1953 Cannelton Bulldogs. Finished the season 4-4. My Dad, Johnny Elder and my Uncle, Carl Elder are in the photo.

 I wish Dad had taken the time to write on the back of these photos. I'm thinking this is his buddy Earl Hay from high school.

 Dad running the high hurdles in High School. Cannelton, Indiana. 1954

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Another Year Gone

Getting close to saying goodbye to 2012,

This year all my children will be teens

Son John Jarrett will be 13 on Dec 11th. He is no longer a little boy who likes to play with Legos. He now shaves. This was his first season in tackle football. I was impressed! He played like his hair was on fire.

Daughter Danielle Grace turned 16 in Nov. Now playing the piano and learning the guitar. Very talented with paint, watercolors and now learning chalk in art. She speaks her mind (Well she has since she was 2). On Dec 24th she leaves for a month, heading to Brazil for a church mission.

Daughter Kailey Marie will by 20 on Dec 28th. (Where did all those years go?) Dating a very nice young man, Eric. I hope all the best for her and just want her to always be happy.

This year I, for the first time, saw the face of my Grandfather.

I wish I had taken more time when my Dad was alive to ask him about Grandpa. He died in 1950.
He worked for a chair Co. in Cannelton, Indiana.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Our Great Grandfather

I knew that my Grandfather, Donald Burgess Wold was adopted, I just didn't know who his birth parents were.

I found a book on line,The House of Burgesses. that list my Grandfather as the son of William Henry Burgess, adopted by Jonas and Grace Wold. Grace is the sister of William Henry.

William served as a musician in Co. A, 12 Minnesota Inf during the Spanish American War, and as a Corporal in the 4th Development Co. 164 Depot Brigade in 1917 as a drill instructor during WW1.

He married to a  Florence Louise Bard in 1898 and had a son, also named William in 1909. My Grandfather was born in 1914. Was Florence his mother?

William and Florence are together in 1910 living in Medford, Oregon with son William Jr.
 In 1920 William is remarried to a Josephine Venuto and living in Medford, Oregon. Florence and William Jr. seem to fall off the face of the earth until 1924 when I find her remarried to a  John McOmie living in Spokane, Washington.

Monday, October 29, 2012

More from the Elder Family

Charles Coomes Elder My Great Great Grandfather (1839-1906) and his 5 sons.
John William (My Great Grandfather) (1864-1958),
James Leo (1876-1966), June E. (1881-1907), Charles Benedict (1874-1970), And Felix Alexander (1867-1939).

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Paul Eugene Elder

My Grandfather, Paul Eugene Elder (1899-1950).

I never knew my Grandfather. He died 14 years before I was born and my father never had a photo of him. As of yesterday I never knew what he looked like.

I don't know when this photo was taken. My thought is 1926 on his wedding day.

Dad had told me long ago that Paul loved baseball and was a Cleveland Indians fan, He would sit on thje front porch and wath his sons play ball in the street.

 Now I have a photo of 5 generations of Elder men.

Great Grandfather John William Elder

Born 04 Apr 1864 in Cloverport, Kentucky
Died  9 March 1958 in Cloverport, Kentucky.

    Grandfather  Paul Eugene Elder

    Born 1 Feb 1899 in Hardinburg, Kentucky.
    Died 16 Jan 1950 in Tell City, Indiana.

  My Father, John Herschel Elder

Born 9 Dec 1935 in Cannelton, Indiana
Died 8 Apr 2009 in Portland  Oregon

Me, Edwin Paul Elder

Born 7 Jan 1964 in Orlando Florida

  My Son, John Jarrett Elder

 Born 11 Dec 1999 in Vancouver WA.
A big THANK YOU and Bless you to Sister Rose Jean Powers for finding and sent me this photo of my Grandfather.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

More Odds and Ends........

My Aunt Margie Elder Sixx. (Daddy's Sister) She passed away when I was 2 years old so I don't remember her, But she sure was a pretty lady.

515 Gates St. San Fransisco, CA. Where my Mother and Aunt Judy lived in 1940.

Louisville, Henderson and St. Louis Railway Shop crew at Cloverport KY. 1903
My Great Grandfather, Joe Gedling is  2nd man right of the cab

I found quite a few things on the Burgess side (Moms) of the family this weekend.

My Great Uncle Arthur Burgess owned this cafe in Medford Oregon in 1912.

And when Arthur wasn't busy with running a cafe, He was performing with his Brothers, Sisters and such...

(from the Medford Mail Tribune, December 09, 1912)

F.O. (Frank),  R.O. (Robert Otis) his brothers, W.F. Quisenberry his brother-in-law,

In this one, My Great Grandmother, Grace Burgess Wold got into the act in a duet, "The Perfect Day" with Miss Hance and violinist Ione Flynn.

My Grandmother birth. (Breckinridge News 12 July 1905)

For my Great Great Grandfather, William P. Beavin (1844-1911)

Oh, and the reviews are in for the Mikado.....

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Looking For and Questions Still Unanswered

Grandfather Paul Eugene Elder (1899-1950)
I know there has to be a photo out there somewhere. I was hoping to find you in a old school yearbook but then I discovered that you only attended school up to the 8th grade.

I did find your WW1 Registration Card, I know you were of Medium Height and Slender Build.

The Gedling Boys...
4 of them went off to the Civil War.  3 of them, Samuel, Joseph and John all left about the same time (Aug-Sept. 1861) and joined the Ohio 31st Infantry. I'd love to find a photo of them. The youngest brother, Jacob, joined in 1864 and died in Annapolis Md. in 1865.

Great Great Grandmother Nancy.....
I think you were born around 1835 in California, You were full blooded Wintu Indian and you were "married" to a Philip Blodgett. Thats about all I know about you. There is no paper trail, no Birth or Death certificate, No grave marker, I don't even know your real (Indian) name.

Great Great Grandfather Philip Blodgett.......
So where did you come from? Ohio? Illinois? Iowa? Almost a different state for each record I found. Were you running away from a marriage gone bad?  You're listed as never married and then as a Widower. Was it Gold Fever when you set out for California in the 1850's?

Grandfather Donald Wold....
I wish I knew who your real mother and father were, I hope that Jonas and Grace loved you as their own,.
I also wish I knew why you took your own life, I always get sad thinking about you, Sad that I never met you.

Great Great Great Grandfather John Gedling...
What was it like to sail across the Atlantic in 1834? Did you and your family miss England? Why Ohio?


Saturday, June 2, 2012


3 Elders were members of the Maryland Militia 37th Bn. During the Revolutionary War. All 3 are the sons of  William Elder (My GGGGGG Grandfather).

  First is Ignatius Elder  (1749-1801) and Francis Elder (1755-1809). I didn't find a lot of information on Ignatius, He died in Kentucky. I don't know yet if he were married or had any children. He was part of the Elders who had to head west to Kentucky.

Francis held the rank of Ensign in the Army.  He married  Catherine Spalding and had 13 kids! (7 lived to adulthood)

Francis was laid to rest at Saint Josephs Catholic Church Cemetery Taneytown ,Maryland.

 The 3rd brother, William Elder.

Report of the death of Pvt. Jacob Gedling 1865.

William Ahl, My 2nd Great Grand Uncle. William received a discharge from the Army in 1863 but later re-enlisted in 1865 as a 1st Lt. with A Co.Green River Infantry Battalion, Kentucky.

William fought with the 3rd Kentucky Cavalry Regiment,

After the capture of Fort Donelson the Federal troops advanced
into Tennessee and the 3d cavalry proceeded to Nashville as
part of Crittenden's division. It marched with Buell's army
to Pittsburg landing and a portion of the regiment was engaged
in the second day's battle at Shiloh and received high
commendation from Gen. Crittenden. After the battle the
regiment continued with Crittenden's division, Buell's army,
in the movements on Corinth and Iuka.

It was on constant duty all the summer in Tennessee and
Alabama, being at Huntsville Florence, Athens and other
points. From Athens, Ala., it moved to Decherd, Tenn., and
thence proceeded with Buell's army into Kentucky. On Aug. 11,
1862, Gen. Negley, then at Columbia Tenn., reported a fight
near Kinderhook, in which Maj. Megowan's battalion of the
regiment behaved most gallantly, fighting fiercely for 4
hours, and "driving the enemy in every direction."

William P Beavin, My Great Great Grandfather, A Private 3rd Regiment, Kentucky Cavalry.

 William H Burgess, My Great Grand Uncle.

Joseph (my Great Great Grandfather) and his brother Samuel Gedling.

Thirty-first Infantry. - Col., Moses B. Walker , Lieut.-
Cols., Cyrus W. Grant, Frederick W. Lister, Milton B. W. Har-
mon; Majs., Samuel L. Leffingwell, John W. Free. This regiment
was organized at Columbus, in Aug. and Sept., 1861, to serve
for three years. It left the state on Sept. 30 and on Oct. 2
reached Camp Dick Robinson, Ky., where a regular course of
drill began which rendered the regiment more efficient. It be-
came attached to Buell's army and was in the advance toward
Corinth, during which it was engaged frequently in skirmishing
with the Confederates. It participated in the siege and was
engaged at times quite warmly. In July the regiment was di-
vided into detachments, two companies being sent to Decatur and
one to Trinity. The latter detachment, consisting of 28 men,
was attacked by a force of some 200 or 300 mounted Confeder-
ates. The attack was repulsed, but one-half of the detachment
was killed or wounded. Participating in the march to Louis-
ville the regiment was under fire at the battle of Perryville,
but was not actively engaged. It was actively engaged, how-
ever, at the battle of Stone's river, where it acquitted itself
nobly. The regiment then enjoyed a few months, rest and in
June it started on the Tullahoma campaign. It was engaged at
Hoover's gap and, in connection with the 17th Ohio, carried a
position defended by two Confederate brigades. The regiment
was engaged on both days at Chickamauga and suffered severely.
Its next engagement was Brown's ferry and then followed Mis-
sionary ridge, where it was among the foremost regiments to
bear the loyal standard into the enemy's works. About this
time the regiment re-enlisted, received a furlough of 30 days,
and in the following spring it marched on the Atlanta campaign.
It was engaged in an assault on the enemy's line in front of
Resaca and lost heavily. It participated in all the important
engagements of the campaign except the battle of Jonesboro,
then moved with Sherman's army to the sea, thence up through
the Carolinas, and was mustered out on July 20, 1865.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

For my Mother

On May 15th my mother turned 75 years old. Today my brother and I took her to lunch and I took the time to ask her questions I should have asked a long time ago.

My mothers Great Grandfather, Arther G Owens (1840-1905)

Arther was from Montgomery Co. Indiana. He married Victoria Ann King in Page, Co. Iowa in 1861.  A Civil War Vet, he served with A Co. 4th Iowa Inf. with his brother Silas.

Arther and Ann had 8 children.

In 1880 I find the family in Union Co. Oregon and Arther is employed as a carpenter.

Victoria Ann King (1843-1914)

Victoria was born in Ohio, After Arther's death I find Victoria living in Oakland, CA. with her youngest daughter Alta.

Mom told me that she remembers her grandfather talking about Arther " His family was from Wales and he hated the English, He was very proud of being Welch". She told me.

 Henry Clay Burgess (1848-1928)

 Henry was born in Parke Co. Indiana to William H. and Eliza Burgess.

Henry and Wife Ellen live in Mankato, Minnesota up to 1910 when I find them in Medford, Oregon.  Henry made his living as a carpenter and as a salesman.

Henry died in Medford, Oregon.

Ellen Melinda French (1853-1927)

Ellen was born in Padeville, Wisconsin.The daughter of Charles and Mary French.

Charles and Ellen has 6 children,
Sons Arthur, Frank and William were listed in the 1900 census as actors and daughter Grace was a piano teacher.

Ellen was laid to rest at the Eastwood IOOF Cemetery in Medford,Oregon.

Grace Burgess, My mothers Grandmother.

Grace was born in Leray, Minnesota in 1880.

Grace married Jonas Wold in Brookfield, Missouri in 1904.

Grace and Jonas never had any children of their own, Family stories passed down tell us that Her and Jonas adopted Donald as their own.

Mom told me that Grace was a smoker and husband Jonas wasn't, And that mom and her sister would have coffee with Grandma Grace, "Lots of sugar and cream and very little coffee".

Grace and Jonas with son Donald. Jonas was born in Leranger, Norway. He came to America in 1881 at the age of 9.   I first found Jonas in Fargo ND in 1900 and sometime after he and Grace were married they moved to Oregon.

Jonas was a pharmacist and owned his own drug store in Medford.

On the business outlook of Medford, Jonas was quoted in the Medford Saturday Review, "Things improving every day. One thing noticeable is the class of trade. The same class of stock is demanded here that is demanded in cities of 100,000 or more." Jonas Wold, Medford Pharmacy.

Apt. Building Jonas and Grace lived in. Also son Donald and his wife Anna June live in the same building in 1937. Jonas and Grace lived in Apt. 5. Donald and June lived in Apt. 19.

Mom told me that Jonas was always in a hat and tie. Owning his own drug store, there was always some sort of sweets in his pockets when the Grand daughters came by.

I've covered Mom's other grandparents, Arther and Annie Owen in past posts.

Arther and Annie Owen in Del Norte Co. CA.
Top clockwise, Arther Owen, Bertha Owen, Albert Owen, Henrietta Owen, Baby Ernie Owen, Annie Blodgett Owen, Alice Owen and Clara Brodnax (from Annie's 1st marriage)

Mom told me that Arther wasn't around much. He'd just kinda drift away at hunt, fish, or pan for gold. Come home and then leave again. She didn't remember Annie too much, She died in 1945. She did remember Arther as a kind man who was always busy in his wood shop, "Just don't touch his tools". She said.

Donald Burgess Wold (1914-1963)

My mothers father.
Donald was born in Minnesota.

in 1937, Donald was a bookkeeper for Timber Products in Medford, Oregon. He was a new father with daughter Marilyn born that year. In 1938 he moved the family to the San Francisco area where Judy (1938) and Nancy (1940) were born.

Mom remembers a sweet man, whom she never doubted that he loved his daughters, But alcohol was a demon he couldn't shake.

 I was told that Donald took his life in 1963.

Anna June Zoll (1920-1996)

My Mothers Mother.

Born in Oregon, she lived he early days in Del Norte Co. CA.

She married Donald in 1936 and 3 girls. Nancy, Judy and Marilyn.

Anna June would later meet Ed Zoll at the Magidan Arny Hospital at Ft. Lewis, Washington. Mom told me that Grandma must have made quite a impression on Ed Zoll. Seems that Grandma left Ft. Lewis to head back to California before he was discharged. When discharged, Ed came to Northern CA. to look for her.

  Grandma June with Grandpa Ed and Daughter Kathy and Son Jim. in Cannelton, Indiana in 1967.

June passed away in 1996.
 She was buried at Willamette Nat. Cemetery on Mt. Scott where she is able to enjoy the views of Mt. St. Helens and Mt. Hood.

Zolls, Elders, Godsils, Eckerts, Muellers, Routtus, Quicks, ...and forgive me if I left out any last names.

 Happy Birthday Mom, My there be many more.