Thursday, November 7, 2013

Football Season's Over

                                            A 2 win season didn't make it a bad one.

                               The season started with the same hope that all teams have.........

                                         With hard work and effort we'll see this through.......

I watched him scrap and push and shove and fight for his team.

I watched him play with no fear......

                                           I've watched him take charge and lead the charge......

                               I've watched him play in horrid conditions and never a complaint........

   I've watched him carry tacklers 2-3 extra yards because his heart doesn't no the word quit.....

                                                    I've watched him take some hits....
                              And I've cringed as a parent watching him take a big hit......

                     And then watched with pride as he badgered his coach to get back in the game.....

  I've watched him laugh and joke and congratulate his teammates.... 

                                             But most of all, I've watched my son have fun.

                                                           Grandpa would be proud!